Woodland Management Plan

The full draft plan can be downloaded here

Please come back to us with any comments you have by emailing baileysquarry@gmail.com

Executive Summary

The 'Vision' is to increase the woodland's biodiversity and wild beauty. This goal, while obviously beneficial for eco-systems and wildlife habitats, is largely for the benefit (in aesthetic, recreational, educational, and emotional terms) of people – those local to Bampton and those visiting the area. On a macro scale, what we’d hope to inspire is societal change; to highlight the wonder of our natural environment and re-awaken our deep connection to nature.

Access to the woodland will be improved but limited to certain areas (for insurance liability and woodland management reasons). The central path through the woodland will be enhanced and become an official Permissive Path and the central valley will offer open play/education opportunities, but access to other parts of the woods will not be permitted. This ‘community centre’ zone could host a number of community-led activities and events as well as permanent information-boards about the sites history and ecology.

Woodland management will take a variety of different forms in different parts of the woods. Interventions will be done in a subtle way so change is slow and appears natural. Aspects of this will include:

  • Felling of trees with Ash die-back especially in areas near houses or the Permissive Path

  • Selective thinning to encourage maturing of specimen trees, encourage regrowth and improve the tree-age diversity.

  • Coppicing to create greater habitat diversity and material for woodland crafts

  • Complete non-intervention

  • Ride/Glade creation for insect and bird habitat

  • Installation of bird and bat boxes, information boards, sculptures, bird hides, a shelter

    and other educational ideas.


Blank Canvas